Saturday, January 16, 2016

Learning bike live on bed

  शनिबारको दिन बिदा को दिन स्कूलबाट घर बाइक सिकन पर्यो भनी घर शुक्रबार नै आएको थिए पुष महिना को जाडो दिउँसो तीर भाई ले स्कूटी लिएर आयो मलाई साईकल पनि चलाउन आउदैनथियो भाई ले स्टार्ट नगरी पछाडि बाट धकेलो केहि समय पछि हैंडल धान्न सके अनि स्टार्ट गरेर चलाए अरु को सयता बिना चलाउँदा आनन्द भयो केहि समय पछि स्कूटी मोड़न खोज्दा भित्ता मा ठोकिएर खुटा कट्यो टाका लॉन पर्यो हिडन ग्रहों भयो घर मै आराम गरेर नचली बस्न बाध्य भए।

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Nepali Bikram Sambat Calendar Desing 2072

Nepali Calendar 2072 with Tithi
Desing in : Adobe Indesing CS5
size : 15X21", 12X18"
2072 Academic calendar with Nepali date and thithi

2072 Nepali calendar part 1
2072 Nepali calendar part2

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Design a new project of Nabadurga Temple


Broucher Front part
Broucher back part

A3 sized Phumplet

Make No-break nepali words in Adobe Indesign

Many Nepali user who use Adobe indesign face a problem with word break. that problem can solved easily in Indesign CS6 or higher. It can be solved by using Paragraph and Character styles:
  • go to Paragraph window click on Paragraph styles.
  • Click top  up menu and click new paragraph styles. 

But who use Adobe indesign cs5 can solved using find and replace option. to get rid of that following steps:
  • Go to edit menu click Find/ Change option
  • Click  change format  ( T) icon
  • Change format setting Diloge box appear clik basic character formats and tick no break option and click ok
  • Type your must break word in Find what option and retype that word in change to option and click change all option.
It may help to Nepali font user most break word is : ], }, [, {, \, ', ", ;, : .

Friday, November 7, 2014

Visit Punjab for hunting a job

I am stuck in home after giving my last year exam of by bachelor degree. I have no job I am sitting home with out work I have no idea what to do? I think I will learn computer coding on sitting home from google and youtube tutorial so I purchase computer and internet usb doungle to connect internet on home. But I face a problem to learn with out guider. So I think to do some job but I Can't find job in home village. I got offered from Chhintapurni Una district from Utaranchal India. I leave my home same day when I receive my Sister call from Tansen I pack my bag and move to Tansen for going Utaranchal my trip start from tomorrow I will go with other pilgrim of Radha Soami Satsang Beas I ride bus in morning next day I visit my friend who work with me in same jobs and same place his name is Bashanta Bhandari I meet other as newer. we ride bus for Sonaoli. We visit on Radha Soami Satsang Beas on Bhairahawa for meeting other pilgrim after few hours again we ride bus for Sonauli we changed our Nepali bus by India government bus in Sonauli we take two buses for Gorkhapur rail station we travel 3 hours for Gorkhapur from Sonauli We wainting 4 hours in Gorkhapur for our train Shahid express it arrive in late 8 o'clock of night we ride train I found my birth on S6 sit no 51 I put my bag on my birth and I gotta slip on my birth train pass Indian city Lucknow at night and Delhi at day noon serially train pass other station and city Panitpath, Sonipath, amabala Kurkhestra, Ludiyana,  Jalndhar and we arrive at mid night 1 pm in Beas station we take bus for our destition palce wich Radha Soami Stasang Beas which called Dera in their.

At midnight our Nepali leader (Jathedar) make settle for our room did some administration work on the office of Dera after some our we visit our room (Serai) and all arrive all take their space for sleep their is single bed for each one in this room their are over 300 bed our friend notice that their is still opening a Langar (a eating house with group) we walk 15 min to arrive Langar we take our plate (Thal) Glass and spoon from a box and go inside and sit and they give us Dal and Roti I never see and think such a big area it huge area there is clean and green I amazing to see it. After eating Dal and Roti it is already 3 O'clock of morning. We sleep in our single bed I have not Sirak and Kamala (Blankets) for sleep I adjust it with other friends.
Next day I wake up at 6 AM I see a huge people gathering in their I surprise to see I never see a mass of people I hear by my other pilgrim they tell me there are people about 50 thousands hundreds (50 Lakhs) people stay their at time of Satsang in Bhandara. There is fully all functional on stoping in toilet bathroom langar eating fooding it is big feats in my life after taking Chiya, Nasta and lunch I participate in Satsang I have no idea about Satsang in my mind there is several questions what is Satsang? Why people visit here? Who is chief of this area? I have more question. I seat in Satsang there is security checking for all people who going to Satsang. I listing Bani form some where I can't see her body after 15 min. waiting there is one man came on stage and all people did pray as well as I also did pray with other after while this man who seat in stage give speech about moral and ethic topic he tell it in very nice Panjabi and Hindi language. After 45 min. a man finished his speech all people stand up and move to outside from Pandal (speech house) I also move.After leaving from Pandal I visit my Serai. I came out with my friends Basanta, Indira and his mom Sita we see here and there in inside Dera we found people from various state of India. we visit park hostel, canteen, Pandal and many other places. Me and my friend Basanta can't stay more in Beas we need to go our destination  place Chintpurni Una districit of Utaranchal state of India we call our Job finder my sister in law (Vinaju) from inside Dera he told us came after 2 days so we stay their one more days. There we can buy a goods like soap, biscuit, hair oil, in cheap price I purchase toothpaste, toothbrush, soap. we visit canteen we drink tea and eat sandwich (Bread Pakauda). Next days morning we left our Serai and Dera and make train ticket to Jallandar city from Beas it cost only 3o rupees we ride a first train arrival from platform number one after some station Jallandhar city arrive we came out from train and go to bus park from train station.
I search bus for Hosiyarpur from Jallndhar  and take bus after 1 hour bus arrived on Hosiyarpur we down from bus and search another bus for Chintpurni and take bus for Chintpurni.
Our bus journey start for Chintapurni. It looks like our village mountain we travel 2 hours and arrive Chintapurni and visit our Vinaju. We find Chintapurni is most visited temple there is very crowd to visit temple we found our job palace but there is no fixed our job still. We meet our job giver man he is over 50 years old man. There is another Nepali worker who from Dharchhula Nepal we introduce to him. Our boss didn't believe us he told us "you can't complete did jobs because it's muddy job and you study bachelor so this job didn't suit for you in here your carry a raw material for Dhup (Instant stick) from our godown and it pour to mahcine make Dhup is very difficult to complete so I can't  believe to you for this job. After meeting to Boss we think we need to go house so we make plan to visit Chintpurni temple and we go to temple and pray to god and return on shop and stay one day and return again Hosiyarpur, Jallndhar, Beas, and again our Dera where Nepali  stay.   
We stay in Dera until our Nepali group didn't return home they have confirmed ticket to Gorkhapur so we need to stay their for ticket reason. We participated in Baba Satsang 2 times which held on Sunday on  there is mass people arrived all  for Satsang we go to Pandal (Satsang house) and sit there is being Satsang and I listen carefully. Which is start with "Hari ram nam japo manme" after 45 minutes it finished all stand up and slowly move outside. and next week Sunday Baba ji Sastang Start and I go to Pandal before 2 hours and thirty minutues and stay for waiting Babaji We are in near from stage because we are from Nepali so I wear Nepali Dhaka Topi. and speech start begin "Jhag me ho gaya ghor andhera"
After 15 days living in Pubjab day come to go our home we arrive in morning at 7 am to Beas railway station and take rail Amritsar to Katihara Express and arrive Gorkhapur next morning.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

My first post on this blog

Hello universe,
Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, all my friends I will start my new blog on the name of the Hear beat sound of Sundar Bhattarai. I am always thinking to make some write to tell others I have not listener my words from heart I can't tell anyone of sound of heart. But my mind want to open my words to tell other I have various words to tell other. So this is best idea to tell other I have no problem anyone read or don't read my blog but I will write I pour my pain to the world on day world read my sound.
Thank you
Sundar Bhattarai
2071 Kartik 21