Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Make No-break nepali words in Adobe Indesign

Many Nepali user who use Adobe indesign face a problem with word break. that problem can solved easily in Indesign CS6 or higher. It can be solved by using Paragraph and Character styles:
  • go to Paragraph window click on Paragraph styles.
  • Click top  up menu and click new paragraph styles. 

But who use Adobe indesign cs5 can solved using find and replace option. to get rid of that following steps:
  • Go to edit menu click Find/ Change option
  • Click  change format  ( T) icon
  • Change format setting Diloge box appear clik basic character formats and tick no break option and click ok
  • Type your must break word in Find what option and retype that word in change to option and click change all option.
It may help to Nepali font user most break word is : ], }, [, {, \, ', ", ;, : .


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